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Kamala Harris border trip becomes desperate play for support

On Thursday, the Biden Administrations proclaimed 'border czar' Kamala Harris will make her first trip to the United States-Mexico border in three years. That is right. The person Joe Biden put in charge of the border is making her first trip there since a brief stop in El Paso in June 2021. Three whole years of ignoring the border, and finally, she has decided to take a visit.

While the mainstream media will certainly gush over it, the trip is being seen by most for what it really is: a desperate play at votes.

Since entering the race for president, Harris has flip flopped countless times on her border stance. She once promised in 2019 to use presidential power to give a pathway to citizenship for two million Dreamers. When asked recently about that though, her team danced around the question, saying she "is proud of actions she has taken for them." Might as well call her Cod-mala Harris for flopping like a fish so much.

Maria Espinoza of The Remembrance Project says this effort is nothing more than an election year stunt, plain and simple.

"It is a really sorry attempt on her part to think she can continue to pull the wool over people's eyes," she says.

This is not some 'oh well the numbers have always been bad' story, either. Under Donald Trump, in the months before he left office, border encounters by Border Patrol hung around 70,000 per month. In the past few months of 2024 alone, numbers are well over 200,000 per month. That has been the norm for the entire last four years. Her and Biden's policies have directly caused a crisis we have not seen before at the border.

Since the honeymoon phase of her entering the race as well, Harris' poll numbers have been steadily declining, as she continued spouting nonsense buzz words, and not any real policy ideas. The border is just one of many examples of that. This effort is no doubt to try and regain some support, but it will only backfire on her.

"Her numbers will continue to drop because more people are seeing what she is...especially now, it is clear, she is only making this move to go to the Arizona border because her polls are so bad," says Espinoza.

In the most recent debate, the only border argument Kamala Harris made was that she was California's Attorney General and prosecuted many gang members and immigrants. That ultimately means nothing as far as securing the border.

She instead brought her open border ideas she held in California to a national platform in the White House. If she wins too, we could see the entire country become like her home state.

"If we want the rest of the country to become California, and I know that is a big 'no,' then follow Kamala Harris and her lies," she says.

Espinoza adds that her ultimate goal is to have open borders, like we do now, in order to change the culture of America.


Photo: AFP

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