With the all important 2024 presidential election just over two months away, the fine folks at the Heritage Foundation are launching a multi-million dollar campaign to combat the spread of misinformation, and more importantly help people learn the truth about the radical policy plans of V.P. Kamala Harris.
It started with the launch of a new website, dangerously liberal.com
"What this website allows people to do, is to just go on and read it for themselves what the impact of her (Harris) leadership in this administration has done" said Harrison Fields, assistant director of media and public relations at the Heritage Foundation. "It's not political, it's strictly facts."
In addition to truth and facts, there is another phase to the Heritage campaign which is coming soon.
"The other component of this plan is a million dollar add campaign that is intended on reaching persuadable American's through text message and digital advertising" Fields told KTRH.
All to let voters know what they won't hear on the network news about where Harris really stands on the key issues like the economy, the border, crime, and foreign policy.
Again, the website is dangerously liberal.com
Photo: SAUL LOEB / AFP / Getty Images