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George Soros continues controlling prosecutors to push the liberal agenda

Americans have known for some time about the questionable George Soros, and his money-wielding influence in the Democrat party. He has been accused of everything under the sun, including buying off people in the 2020 election. Soro's name has even become a joke on the internet, because everyone knows his history of funneling money to push his liberal agenda. It is just a general known fact now.

So, we have known about Soros buying off judges and prosecutors for some time, and basically hand-picking parts of the judicial system. But new research from the Media Research Center (MRC) shows his influence goes beyond just getting his choices elected. He continues keeping his thumb on them well beyond that.

Dan Schnieder of the MRC, who helped conduct the research, says they found over 8,000 pages of communications between prosecutors showing his constant interference with their office.

"He continues controlling them long after they are elected...he and his network pick the policies, the agenda...they have them attend mandatory meetings to receive their marching orders...they even dictate who they hire into the junior ranks," he says. "George Soros is trying to take over the judicial system."

In their study, they found Soros had spent at least $40 million to elect his choice prosecutors, then invested another $77 million to keep his power over them.

The now 94-year-old Soros still has his presence felt, but it is becoming somewhat less so in his older age, which happens. Father Time always wins. But enter his son, Alexander Soros, to carry the Leftist torch.

"He is even more radical than his father...the reigns have been handed over to him," says Schneider. "He is the more political version of his father."

If you need an even more concerning connection, Alex Soros is now engaged to former Hillary Clinton campaign manager Huma Abedin. Who was the former wife of Congressman Anthony Weiner, another major Democrat player until he was caught sending explicit pictures of himself to a child. It has become an almost incestuous party at this point.

But why do you not hear about any of this on the news? Well, because Soros and the Democrat elite want it that way.

"The news media will not cover this...anytime is raises its head, the media drops it...this is a guy who has put more money to Democrats than anyone...it has everything to do with him being a radical," he says.

But Soros does not just stop at telling the offices who to hire, what laws to follow, and what agenda to push. He has even made them sign pledges that make them vow to not uphold the law, as long as it opposes his ridiculous agenda. That means they are told to say 'no' to any challenge, such as with gender-affirming care, and other things. All so the agenda can push along.

He has basically created a blank prosecutorial slate, with which he can do anything he wants.

"They have engaged in unlawful and unethical conduct...it is unethical for an elected official coming in to sign a pledge to not enforce the law...but that is what they have done," he says. "It amounts to a prosecutorial veto...and when they conspire to do it, like they have here, it even becomes a RICO violation."

For now, the Soros family continues riding high on their ivory tower of ignorance and injustice. But they might be in for a rude awakening soon.

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Photo: Getty Images Europe

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