You can argue on either side of the 2020 election, but wherever you stand, there is no doubt there were some questionable things done with voter rolls, and the count itself. This opened up a wide door for other elections to then use shady tactics in order to get people to vote or count the votes themselves. There was plenty of evidence in elections both in 2020 and 2022 of 'phantom voters,' voting in the polls.
From dead people to people who have never voted in their life, all of the sudden, everyone was out of the woodwork, voting Democrat. Maybe there just was that big a silent majority for the Democrats. But it is more likely that some numbers and voter credibility were falsified. Once again in 2024, voter integrity is at the forefront, with new studies showing 'phantom voters' in key swing states this cycle might swing the election.
Debbie Georgatos, host of American Can We Talk, says this starts with the lack of security in the system.
"Because the voter registration records are held at the state level and are held in computers...they are hackable and changeable," she says.
The so-called 'phantom votes' came in during the last few elections via mail-in ballots, and curbside voting, mostly a result of COVID-19 pandemic fearmongering.
Multiple studies show that voter registration goes up tremendously for a presidential election, which makes logical sense. However, they fall off a cliff right afterward. That is a trend in just about every state.
"It shows the content of the rolls is manipulated...they are added electronically, then manipulated to vote for whoever," she says.
Again, this is not something new, either. This has been happening for some time now.
"Some of them are just registered but have never, whoever is manipulating realizes the person will not vote...and yes, this has the capacity to change the outcome of elections," she says.
But no news organization reports on this. They would instead stay in a bubble of blissful ignorance and talk about whatever social media video they thought was funny for the day.
There is a solution to every problem though, and this one is simple, and two-fold.
"We need first, a massive cleaning of voters rolls...but second, and probably most important, is we need to take it away from the state level, and bring the rolls down to the local level, with lcoal officials," Georgatos says.
She adds that Democrats do not want to clean voter rolls and will take any precaution to not do so.