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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Texas Is Still Bussing Illegal Aliens, But Biden Is Flying Them In

A Line of Busses Wait For Their Next Job

Photo: iStockphoto

The border crisis is ongoing, and Texas is responding by sending buses full of illegal aliens into Democrat-run sanctuary cities. The left blames Abbott and other Republicans for the crisis in these cities. Todd Bensman with the Center for Immigration Studies says Abbott isn't to blame.

He explained, "This bussing program is entirely voluntary. In other words, he's just providing free bus fare to people who were going to go there anyway."

Bensman also pointed out that many of the illegals in these cities didn't come from Abbott's buses, but from Biden's flights. He said, "The Biden administration is flying people into these cities by the tens of thousands, from foreign countries."

Bensman says it's hypocritical for Democrats to criticize Abbott for sending buses to sanctuary cities while Biden is sending entire plane loads of illegal aliens.

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