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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Colleges Have Become Leftwing Echo Chambers

Student Activist Leading Protest with Megaphone

Photo: iStockphoto

Colleges are becoming more and more of an echo chamber for left-wing talking points and ideology, and they're smothering young conservatives. They used to be the marketplace for ideas, but unfortunately, that's not the case anymore.

Michael McGonigal with the Young America's Foundation told KTRH, "If you should happen to be a moderate, or you should happen to be someone who believes in conservative principles, or traditional values, you're often punished."

McGonigal says that other students see this and choose not to speak out about conservatism. He said, "There are many people who see how some conservatives who do speak out are treated, and that causes them to hide their beliefs."

McGonigal does think that, thankfully, students are starting to realize that they aren't getting an authentic exchange of ideas, and more are starting to speak out.

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