According to new data, the numbers are growing. No, not more kids. Instead, more and more young people are deciding against parenthood and having a family.
So, why are Americans -not- having babies? It's a question that Rachel Wolfe wrote about in the Wall Street Journal.
"What I found is that childlessness, and not just people having fewer children, is becoming the main driver of America's record low birth rates" Wolfe said.
As noted by PEW Research earlier this year, 30% of 18-34 year old's without kids, aren't sure if they want any, and 18% say they do not want any.
The two big factors are cost, and the rising expectations of parenthood.
"Now we're seeing young adults who are seeing it as a decision" Wolfe told KTRH, "It's one of many possible elements that can make up a meaningful life. And when it's seen as a decision, more people are going to decide against it."
According to University of Texas demographer Dean Spears, the biggest increase in childlessness is among women ages 35 to 44.
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