The buzz still continues after the epic RNC, so what can we expect next month from the DNC? With less than a month to go, the short answer is, it's all about Biden.
"The question is, are they going to be able to cover up the fact that they're in complete disarray at this point in terms of who is their candidate?" said political commentator, Anthony Russo. "Is it still going to be Biden by then?"
That is the big question. Reports and rumors have been changing by the hour, but what happens if it -is- still Biden by then, and he doesn't drop out?
"It's going to be an interesting question leading into the DNC" Russo told KTRH, "With all of the dissension in the Democrat party, how are they going to spin it? And really, truly find a way to get behind their candidate Joe Biden?"
It's yet, another Dems dilemma. With lots to see before the DNC, which begins on Monday night August 19th, in Chicago. With or without Joe Biden.
Photo: Kevin Dietsch / Getty Images News / Getty Images