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Survey: More Young Voters Are Ditching The Democratic Party

A new poll from the Pew Research Center shows more young people are shifting away from the Democrat Party and making a shift towards Republicans.

In the National Public Opinion Reference Survey (NPORS) published by Pew Research, more than 5,600 U.S. adults under the age of 30 were surveyed on their political affiliation. The poll was conducted from February 1 to June 10.

47 percent of respondents said they were Republican or leaned Republican, while 46 percent said they were Democrats or leaned Democrat.

Mark Jones, Professor of Political Science at Rice University, said this particular survey shows that those classified in Gen Z have had enough of the Biden White House.

"This is reflecting the dissatisfaction of younger members of Generation Z and they aren't especially in rapture with what they've experienced under the Biden administration," said Jones.

Of the many reasons for younger voters turning their back on the Democratic Party, rising costs are perhaps the biggest one.

"Cost of living, inflation, jobs, housing and student debt too," Jones said.

It also doesn't help that Biden, the leader of the country and Democrats' current presidential nominee, is in his 80's. Jones said Trump is seen as more vibrant than Biden and that he's able to speak and give off more energy than Biden.

Although the problem for the Democratic Party goes beyond individuals. The brand under Biden just isn't as appealing to younger voters like it used to be.

"Younger voters simply are no longer attracted to the Democratic Party in the same way that they were five or 10 years ago," said Jones.

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