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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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New survey finds over 1 in 3 workers feel like they're barely getting by

A recent survey finds that more than one in three workers say they're living paycheck to paycheck.

According Bankrate's paycheck to paycheck survey, 34% of those surveyed have no money or little money in their savings to cover for monthly expenses.

Another discovery from the survey showed that those living paycheck to paycheck also feel they are not paid fairly for their work. 19% of workers say they feel satisfied with how much they are paid, while 24% say they feel they are not fairly compensated.

Sarah Foster is an analyst with Bankrate who told KTRH News that by conducting this survey, they wanted to focus on workers, not just any American.

"They are the people who are doing everything right, but yet they still feel lie they're having trouble making ends meet," she said.

The younger and older workers are ones least likely to feel they are behind in their money. Bankrate's survey says 28 percent of Generation Z and 28 percent of baby boomers feel like their budgets are bad. Meanwhile, the numbers are 40 percent for Generation X and then 34 percent of millennials.

"They (Gen Z) are indicating that they feel like they have a harder time building wealth than their parents did at their age," Foster said. "But they might just be getting their lives started so they might not have as many expenses and they might also be getting parental support."

Rising costs and inflation have forced some younger workers to live with their parents longer.

Foster does not want to call this a "inflation phenomena" because a lot of Americans were already living paycheck to paycheck before the rise in inflation in recent years.

"I think what we really can infer is that Americans have long struggled to save likely because many items have been rising in costs even before inflation became the biggest topic on everyone's mind," said Foster.

The survey also found their to be a regional divide for those saying they're living paycheck to paycheck. Those located in the Northeast were the least likely to feel that way at 25 percent, followed by the West (32%), the Midwest (37%) and the South (38%).

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