There is plenty of blame to go around on the left for all of the attacks on Donald Trump over the last 8 years. But what about Hollywood? How much blood does Hollywood have on it's hands?
"If you've got so many people, with so many followers, speaking from so many gargantuan pulpits saying that Trump is evil, that he's Hitler, it's going to have some kind of consequence" said Christian Toto, host of the host of the 'Hollywood In-Toto' podcast.
Especially when it happens every single day. Breitbart just put out a list of 16 times that Hollywood celebrities fantasized about violence against Trump, and compared him to Hitler.
"It's become too common place, and too accepted" Toto told KTRH, "And I think it's a sign of how far we've fallen as a culture. The celebrities can essentially do whatever they want, they can say whatever they want with no consequences, and yet if they did anything of the kind to a Democrat politician?"
We all know the double-standard. Then there's the other question / issue. Why do conservatives still give their hard earned money and waste their time supporting their movies and tv shows?
"It's a valid question" noted Toto, "But it is surprising that we have such collective power. But we did see it with Bud-light, so I think the potential is there."
Sadly he says, too many Americans still love their escapism. Maybe that will change after November.