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Democrats blacklisting RFK from debate an anti-Democratic move

Since announcing his run at the White House as an Independent Candidate, the Biden campaign has been working hard to ensure they keep Robert F. Kennedy Junior from being involved in the 2024 election. They blacklisted him from the first debate of the year, and they have gone to great lengths to ensure he is not able to get on any state's ballots.

Especially after that first debate between Biden and Donald Trump, people more than ever might be venturing into the RFK camp. But for a party that preached about a fair America, and fair elections, the Democrats sure are stepping all over Democracy by not letting him have a fair shake.

Ashley Thomas of Freedom's Fund USA says this is all about self-preservation for the Democrats.

"They are prohibiting people from hearing what RFK has to say in the fears that he will take away votes from President Biden," she says.

Their main concern is likely the undecided, middle-of-the-road voter. The voter who does not like Trump, but also does not like Biden.

After the most recent debate, people deserve to hear RFK more than ever, and in reality, all candidates should have a shot on the stage. But we are a two-party system in America, and that will happen when pigs fly.

But that two-party system is shifting the sands more for voters, and turning many of them progressively more Independent, and that is worth exploring.

"Their block is growing in size, and down the road, that needs to be looked into and discussed...as far as how we include them in the conversation," she says.

RFK is officially on the ballot in just seven states for this election, one of them being the potential swing state of Michigan. He is also awaiting certification from other swing states, like Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Nevada.

Now after the first debate of 2024, Biden did so poorly that many Democrats are just calling for him to remove himself from the ticket. That has created wide speculation as to the list of replacements, as Biden remains adamant, he will not drop out.

In all likelihood, Biden will almost certainly still be on the ticket in November. After all, there is not much to pick from as far as replacement goes. Gavin Newsome is a no-go for most people, and Kamala Harris has poor favorability numbers.

So, in theory, what about replacing Biden with RFK? After all, he was a Democrat before flipping Independent. In reality though, it is highly unlikely.

"I think in terms of policy positions, he can appeal to both sides of the Democrats, but at the same time, the party does not like him at all, especially after he switched on Biden," says Thomas.

It remains to be seen just how much an impact RFK will have on this election. But the Democrats at least have enough fear to try and silence him.

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Photo: Getty Images North America

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