Americans' views on the size and role of the federal government largely differentiates on how people support in this year's presidential election.
A recent survey from the Pew Research Center found that registered voters who are Biden supporters overwhelmingly favor big government trying to do more for citizens while Trump supporters are largely on the complete opposite side.
Of the 8,709 adults surveyed, which included 7,166 registered voters, 74% of those supporting Biden say they would rather have a bigger government providing more services. 76% of them say government should do more to solve problems and 80% say government aid to the poor “does more good than harm.”
Meanwhile, Just 19% of Trump supporters said they would rather see a bigger government that's more involved. Over 70% of Trump supporters also said the government is too involved in what individuals and businesses are doing and that government aid does more harm than good.
Former chairman of the Harris County GOP and President of Conservative Republicans of Texas Jared Woodfill told KTRH that he's not surprised by the numbers. He says it's the Democrats and the Biden administration that wants
"They believe that big government is the solution but we as Conservative Republicans believe that big government is not the solution but many times is the problem," said Woodfill.
The numbers from the survey show little change for Democratic support for bigger government over the past few years. Over the last 10 years, Republicans’ views have shifted less.
Woodfill believes the reasoning for why there's such a large difference is because the liberal, progressive agenda involves a promise from the government of always taking care of it's people and also forcing that ideology upon people through taxpayer dollars.
"Individuals that support President Trump believe that the government needs to get out of the way and let the free market flourish," Woddfill said.
Woodfill noted the policies from the Biden administration that have kept the open border, shut down schools and businesses during covid and given money to people and telling them to vote for them as examples of government overreach.