There's a new bombshell report from the fine people at The Heritage Foundation that exposes the left's -myth- of mass incarceration.
Basically, it points out that while the liberals focus on the number of prisoners, they fail to mention the number of violent crimes that led to the arrests.
"This idea that our prisons are somehow populated with first time, non-violent drug offenders, that's just not true" said Zack Smith, who co-authored the study.
What is true, is that the U.S. has more prisoners, because more criminals are committing violent crimes. But there's more, when you add the radical Soros funded DA's, and soft on crime blue cities.
"Consider that there are many crimes that are reported , but they never result in a conviction" Smith told KTRH, "It quickly becomes apparent that in fact instead of having a mass incarceration problem, we unfortunately actually have an under incarceration problem."
The report also revealed that the U.S. criminal justice system is -not- systemically racist at all, even though the left continues to lie about it.
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