As we head into election season, there are concerns that Texas voters' ballots could be leaked, exposing how people vote during the November presidential election. The concerns stem from the leaking of former Texas GOP Chairman Matt Rinaldi's 2024 primary ballot.
State Senator Paul Bettencourt spoke to KTRH about the issue. He said that the specific type of equipment that the former Chairman used to vote utilizes a specific type of pre-coded ballot that allowed for a paper trail to be created and traced back to the voter if someone had enough information and time to sift through it.
Bettencourt says that thankfully, that equipment isn't used in Harris County. He also says that the Secretary of State has already taken measures to temporarily fix the problem and that his office is drafting legislation to permanently resolve the issue.
Bettencourt said, "The good news is, no further information will be let out, and this practice will be banned in the future."