Despite the gushing and the spin from the media over Joe Biden's executive action at the border, an alarming new report from the DHS Inspector General acknowledged that the DHS has failed to keep track of nearly 80,000 Afghan's who were allowed into the U.S. following Biden's botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.
"This has been a chronic problem the DHS has had, and they've seen their case load explode under the Biden administration" said Andrew 'Art' Arthur, former immigration judge and resident fellow at the Center For Immigration Studies.
Not only has the DHS lost track of the 77,000 Afghan's, that is in addition to over 1.1 inadmissible aliens who have also been allowed into the U.S. The bottom line is, the DHS is completely overwhelmed.
"This is an overwhelming burden that the agency is being asked to assume" Arthur told KTRH, "Errors and mistakes are going to happen, and unfortunately the Biden policies have broken immigration enforcement in the United States."
Which raises the question. If DHS lost track of 77,000, how will they also catch up with the 1.1 million?
Photo: John Moore / Getty Images News / Getty Images