According to a new report, Senate Republicans plan to keep the filibuster in place, even if Donald Trump is re-elected in November.
In 2018, while president, Trump called to put an end to the filibuster because Republicans were having a hard time passing their agenda. But under the Biden administration, the Democrats have shown how it can be done with enough power, while also revealing how bad things would be without the filibuster.
"The filibuster has to stay, so that the majority cannot oppress the views of the minority in this country" said Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow with the Heritage Foundation.
The late great Ronald Reagan was able to win over Democrats despite the filibuster, passing one of the biggest and best tax reductions in U.S. history.
"Look, even Barack Obama said when he was a Senator, that if you got rid of the filibuster it would put an end to Democratic debate and that fighting and gridlock would only get worse" von Spakovsky told KTRH, "He said that in 2005 before he became president and he's right about that."
As for former president Trump himself, he has not commented on the filibuster recently, and understandably so. The government, and our nation, is completely different now that it was six years ago.
Photo: Douglas Rissing / iStock / Getty Images