Who can forget the 'Summer of love' in 2020? When radical left protestors were allowed to riot and loot all across the country in the name of 'equity' and peaceful protests?
But, 2020 was not the first time we've seen that happen. In fact, it's been in the playbook for the left for decades. And now, all signs are pointing towards another leftist fueled summer of violence in the U.S.
"It gave Democrats an opportunity to say that if there's this violence going on in our nation right now, it's because of Donald Trump and not president Biden. And the media will help" said Rusty Weiss, writer for Red State.
Longtime Texas politician Louie Gohmert shared with KTRH, this a tactic the Democrats tried back in 1968.
"The worse, the better, that's their slogan. The more chaos they can create, we get the Orwellian-Totalitarian state. which for progressives is nirvana. Where they're in total control" Ghomert said.
That is the goal, and really the only option left, with Joe Biden trailing Trump in the polls, and zero campaign policies to run on.
"The narrative of chaos leads to people getting scared into voting for president Biden" Weiss told KTRH, "He's good ol' Uncle Joe, as opposed to more problems with former president Trump being back in office."
In case you haven't noticed, the Democrats have returned to their January 6th narrative, and referring to Trump as a threat to democracy. It's gaslighting 101, and a great distraction. But also a great indicator of what the left are really doing themselves.
"I am concerned about violence this summer, like in '68 and 2020" noted Gohmert, "A lot of Democrats are thinking, well this will be good for us."
It will not be good for Democrats, or for anybody. But that's what they want. Another 'Summer of love' for 2024.