Photo: shaunl / E+ / Getty Images
The Cy-Fair ISD will reopen some schools after last week’s storm. But others will remain closed.
The schools that will not be open on Wednesday are:
- Bane Elementary School
- Bridgeland High School
- Cypress Park High School
- Holbrook Elementary School
- Labay Middle School
- Lowery Elementary School
- Postma Elementary School
- Rowe Middle School
- Sprague Middle School
- Wells Elementary School
These SBISD campuses will remain closed Wednesday
- Tiger Trail
- Housman
- Hunters Creek
- Westwood
The Galena Park ISD is also resuming classes, with the exception of the following schools:
- Cimarron Elementary School
- Cunningham Middle School
- Green Valley Elementary School
- Tice Elementary School
HISD is open except for the following 23 campuses:
- Benbrook Elementary School
- Black Middle School
- Browning Elementary School
- Burrus Elementary School
- East Early College High School, campus closed for ninth-11th grade but open for 12th grade to take final exams
- Field Elementary School
- Forest Brook Middle School
- Furr High School
- Harper DAEP
- Harris RP Elementary School
- Harvard Elementary School
- Janowski Elementary School
- Marshall Middle School
- Moreno Elementary School
- North Houston Early College High School
- Northline Elementary School
- Robinson Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Secondary DAEP
- Sinclair Elementary School
- Sugar Grove Middle School
- White Elementary School
- Whittier Elementary School