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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Liberal media continues spinning border crossing crisis

Since the beginning of the Biden Administration, there is no question that the illegal immigration crisis in the United States has gotten exponentially worse. This is not some wild take or idea, there are numbers to support Biden's failures. In the fiscal year 2022, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) reported over 2.3 million border encounters, and that does not include people who managed to get away undetected. In 2023, that number went up to over 2.4 million.

Compare that to 2021, during the transition from Donald Trump to Biden, who then dismantled Trump's policies. Around 1.7 million crossed that year, but the number of monthly crossings dramatically increased in February and March, coincidentally right after Biden's inauguration. Data shows that the final 4 months of Trump's tenure saw around 73,000 encounters per month. February of 2021, right when Biden took over, numbers jumped to over 101,000 encounters. By July of that fiscal year, it was over 213,000 monthly encounters.

Since then, the Biden Administration is allowing an average of 202,000 illegals to enter per month. That is a staggering increase from the Trump days, and it is no coincidence. The Administration keeps beating the same drum that the 'border is safer than ever,' and they are 'enforcing immigration law.' They cite the fact that illegal crossings at the border are down over 40 percent since December this year. The media has run with it as well, praising Biden as some sort of staunch border czar.

But Bob Price from Breitbart Texas says this is all just clever wordsmanship and gaslighting.

"Down is a relative term...they are down to 130,000 a month...but that is still up dramatically from historic levels," he says.

Crossings for April of this year are reported by CBP to be around 179,000, which is still about two and a half times Trump's worst months. People keep buying the charade, too, living a life of blissful ignorance. If the government and media say it, it must be totally true.

Meanwhile, Senate Democrats this week announcing they are reviving a 'bipartisan' border bill that was rejected by Republicans in February. The bill essentially would make illegal immigration easier, opening up Biden's fraudulent CBP One app further. That app does not register in the border encounter numbers, either, meaning crossings could be much higher than what CBP reports.

"This brings in thousands of people under an 'immigration parole, 'which is not what that law was intended to do...the Biden Administration continues to break the law...they say they cannot fix it with executive orders, yet they created it with executive orders," he says.

Back in December, members of the administrations ventured down to Mexico to speak with Mexican leaders secretly about curbing the crisis on their end. They left with an 'agreement' in place, after Mexico's president made outrageous demands. Among his demands was lifting sanctions on Cuba and Venezuela.

To be fair, Mexico has held up their end, and have managed to quell some of the flow on their end. But it is still not really known exactly what the Administration sacrificed. Could be nothing, or it could be vital concessions that hurt our own security.

On the flip side too, Mexico only agreed to this because there is an election coming up there.

"While he is not up for re-election...his party is...and they want to show they are being tough on the United States...when the reality is cartels are still being funded heavily by the Biden Administration through the lax border policies," says Price.

Price adds that any border efforts from Biden now are just political posturing to look good for November.

Refugees Running On Border Against Sky

Photo: Balogh David / EyeEm / EyeEm / Getty Images

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