In case you missed it, conservatives in Germany have voted for compulsory military service, which raises the question. Is it time for mandatory military service here in the U.S.?
Military leaders and experts say, no.
"It's one thing when you have someone who voluntarily joined, at least they're willing to serve and you can work on that" said Ed Turzanski, national security analyst, "But if you bring someone in against their will, they don't want to be part of the military."
And then there is the question of having some of the 13 million illegals that have been allowed into the U.S. serve to gain citizenship?
"What of the quality of the people who are going to be conscripted" Turzanski told KTRH, "What's their english language capacity? What kind of background do they come from?"
At the end of the day, the real problems with our U.S. military are, bad leadership, woke policies, and DEI.
"The only colors we have are red, white, and blue" noted Turzanski, "And the minute you start with DEI, people say I'm out, for what amounts to a corrupt enterprise. We've got a very severe recruiting problem."
All of our U.S military branches with the exception of the Marines has missed it's recruitment goals. In the meantime China has joined Israel as one of many nations with mandatory military service.
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