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Wokeness has infected virtually every aspect of life, and education is no different. Even at the college level, woke groupthink is everywhere, turning great American educational institutions into indoctrination centers.
Monica Showalter, an alumnus of Columbia University and a contributor to American Thinker, told KTRH that even as far back as the nineties, conservatives were a small closeted minority at the school. She said that while she wasn't persecuted for being conservative then, things have gotten far worse now.
Showalter says this groupthink is spreading fast. It used to be limited to the liberal arts departments, but now it's everywhere. "It's moved to the sciences, into businesses, and into the medical school. And there are just dreadful stories about the DEI you find. It's anti-scientific."
Showalter also believes that this groupthink mentality, which forces one ideology down on entire campuses of students and staff alike, is one of the major reasons we have seen such outrageous riots at colleges across the country.