There is yet another new poll, this one from the Edison Research Network that found that Americans favor Republicans in every demographic except one. Unmarried women.
"I don't think it's surprising that a lot of women who are single and unmarried like Democrats" said Brianna Lyman, elections correspondent at The Federalist, "Because they have been told that they don't need men. And they look to the Democrat party for fulfillment."
Apparently so, with 70% of the unmarried women saying that they preferred Democrats over Republicans.
"Democrats give women this false sense of independence and choice when it comes to issues like abortion" Lyman told KTRH, "They have made it so that women feel as though the Republicans are restricting their rights."
It's a lie that starts early, when many young women buying in when they leave home and go off to college.
"They easily buy into the left-wing propaganda of socialism and communism, and all of these other radical welfare policies" noted Lyman, "But then as they enter the workforce, and they actually do have bills of their own, they come to their senses and realize that these policies aren't feasible. Liberals are taught to characterize things into two different sections. Either you are the oppressed, or the oppressor."
On the flip-side, the poll says a lot about how most people support Republicans, and conservative values.
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