For decades, the words 'America' and 'Family' went hand in hand. But at the same time, the left has been chipping away at those cornerstones. And now, according to the latest data, the traditional 'nuclear family' in the U.S. is eroding.
"One thing that does concern me" said Jonathan Saenz, president of Texas Values, "Is for people to look at the status of marriage and family life and say that not of this matters."
Sadly he notes, the decline of the traditional American family, has led to our downfall here in the U.S.
"There are some negative things that have happened in our society, and in our country because we have seen people give up on that middle, or they have been convinced that it's not of value" Saenz told KTRH, "Some people think of children as disposable, and that saddens me. But I don't think most people feel that way, the value of having a child and having a family, you can't put a price on it."
There's a new group, that according to left wing media outlets is growing. They're called DINKS - double income, no kids.
But it's worth a reminder, that the 'family' is ultimately God's design, not man's. And His plans are always the best.
Photo: Eric Hood / Photodisc / Getty Images