The IRS might be the single most corrupt government agency to exist. They do nothing put pester hard working Americans for more money, as we are expected to pay them for the privilege of surviving for another year. All so the money they receive can fatten the pockets of world leaders and politicians and solve none of the problems we face at home.
Now, as Democrats like to do, they are going after American wallets even more. President Biden in his Inflation Reduction Act allocated around $60 billion to the IRS over the next decade. That money will now be used, according to the IRS Chief, to expand their workforce to over 100,000 employees in the next three years.
Executive vice president of the National Taxpayers Union Brandon Arnold says this is nothing more than another attack on Americans.
"They want to allocate this to enforcement activity...not improving customer service or improving the accuracy of the agency...but just doing more audits," he says.
The IRS always begs for more money, and every time the United States feeds them. After dropping to around 73,000 in 2018 after years of budget cuts by Republicans, they currently employ around 90,000 people.
As always, their appetite is bigger than their stomach.
"They want to create a direct file compete with TurboTax and others...but they do not even have authorization under law to do that," he says. "So, they are trying to take on more, rather than doing a better job with resources they have...their IT systems are literally decades old. That is where the money ought to be allocated."
Originally, Biden gave them $80 billion to work with, but Republicans in Congress have whittled that back down to $60 billion.
It is anyone's guess as to how that money is actually spent, especially with the long IRS history of abuse and corruption. As Americans, the IRS tends to become white noise, as we want to avoid dealing with them at any cost. But we really need to be paying attention.
"We need more people in Washington shining a light on the IRS to make sure they are not abusing their authority," says Arnold.
Abuse their authority they have, from releasing American private tax records to targeting Conservative groups. The scrutiny does not stop in Washington, though.
"We need more scrutiny from the general public as well to make sure they stay in their lane...and perform their function is a specific way," he says.
Photo: Skyhobo / iStock / Getty Images