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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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It Appears The Democrats Are Not Going To Replace Biden

After his angry DNC diatribe during the SOTU, it appears that Joe Biden is all set to remain on the 2024 ticket for the Democrats.

"The point of the State Of The Union was to kind of introduce him back on to the campaign trail and say, ok he's the guy, we're not changing horses here" said Bonchie, writer for Red State, "He's going to run, and I don't think it went well at all."

So what about all of the rumors we've heard over the last couple of years, about the Dems making a last minute switch during the DNC Convention this summer?

"As far as the convention goes, you think about what that would look like" Bonchie told KTRH, "They would have to replace a sitting president against his will on the ticket, and I just can't see Democrats doing that."

He also doesn't see the Dems replacing Biden with Kamala Harris. But with the Democrats doubling down, they will do so with Biden facing historically low approval ratings, which do not bode well for November.

"I don't think the polls are wrong, I think there's a deep-seated dislike of Joe Biden right now, and not just him personally but also his policies, and you can't get away from that" noted Bonchie, "And I think there's also a strong contingent of Democrats, especially in positions of power, that are panicking behind the scenes."

The race is now on, for a Trump-Biden rematch, in November.

President Biden Delivers State Of The Union Address

Photo: Pool / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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