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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Is Gen X Next After The Boomer's Are Gone?

As healthcare costs continue to rise, along with the U.S. national debt, there is concern that Gen X could be in trouble after the baby boomers are gone.

"Healthcare is a real big expense for a lot of people" said Dr. Brian Joondeph, from American Thinker, "These generations feel entitled to healthcare, and shouldn't have to pay for it. The problem is, if the government provides, the government can also not provide."

With a completely government controlled healthcare system in the future, one of the best ways to eliminate elderly care, would be to just eliminate the patients.

"If people die sooner, and you don't do late life care, you save a lot of money" Dr. Joondeph told KTRH, "Canada's figured it out and that's why they have their assisted suicides and euthanasia programs."

All of which are coming to the U.S., if Democrats stay in control.

Injection of pentobarbital for euthanasia. Legal execute in clinic

Photo: Andrii Zastrozhnov / iStock / Getty Images

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