KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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The New RNC Chair Will Be Elected Here In Houston

As we await former president Donald Trump officially becoming the GOP nominee, there will be a new Chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC) today, and it's going to happen right here in Houston.

Longtime RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel, who also happens to be Mitt Romney's daughter, announced that she will step down today after Trump hand-picked her for the position in late 2016.

"It was time for a change" said RNC Committeeman, Dr. Robin Armstrong, "A little over a year ago when we had the election for Chair, I was very vocal and very out front that we should have made the change back then. A lot of folks didn't agree."

Well, they are all in agreement now that Trump has selected North Carolina RNC Chair, Michael Whatley to replace McDaniel. And then his daughter-in-law Lara Trump, is set to be the new Co-Chair.

"I think the biggest thing is going to be unity going forward" Armstrong told KTRH, "The RNC has been divided, people stopped receiving the marching orders from Ronna a long time ago. That's why this change was necessary."

The vote will officially take place today, in downtown Houston. And then after some training sessions, the RNC will get ready for the next round of Republican Primaries coming up on Tuesday in Georgia, Mississippi, Washington, and Hawaii.

Republicans Hold Virtual 2020 National Convention

Photo: Pool / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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