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The military has become increasingly 'woke' under Joe Biden, but it turns out these problems started with Obama. Even now, the woke legacy that he left behind in 2016 continues to hinder our military readiness.
Former army officer and JAG lawyer Sean Timmons told KTRH, 'Wokeness has pervasively infected every institution, and the military, being no exception, has fully embraced it.' He says this is largely due to members of military leadership espousing woke PR talking points because they aspire to high-level corporate positions after their military careers.
Timmons also mentioned several issues stemming from the gender integration of the military, such as rising numbers of pregnant sailors and sexual assault claims. This is leading to the traditional masculine men who have formed the backbone of our military from 1776 to recent times being pushed out. Timmons says, "If you don't comply with the woke programs and resist them, they use internal mechanisms to ruin your life."
Timmons says the only way to solve this problem is to roll back the last 30 years of woke military regulation and make our military resemble what it was like under Reagan.