With all of the dysfunction that is happening right now in the Republican party, instead of wishing and hoping for a new GOP, what conservatives really need is the old one.
"Principles do not change" said Steve Munisteri, the 3x chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, "The basic principles of the Republican party for limited government, individual freedom, etc. And we can look to the past on what things worked."
What worked? Working for the American people and fighting the Democrats, not fighting against each other.
"The point is, is to unite the party upon the principles upon which the party was built" Munisteri told KTRH, "And put our energy towards getting those enacted, as opposed to internal squabbles."
Republicans were great under the late, great Ronald Reagan. It's time to return to that.
"Ronald Reagan used to always say that rather than have a party that had a banner of pale pastels, we should have one of bold colors, but the point is to unite the party" noted Munisteri.
Make America and the GOP, great again.
Photo: Wally McNamee / The Image Bank Unreleased / Getty Images