If you think a 2nd term for Joe Biden will be bad for the U.S.? The latest release from the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) shows that we need to prepare for a double-whammy for our national debt.
"The CBO is composed of a bunch bean counters, and historically they are 100% non-partisan" said Adam Andrzejewski, founder and CEO of Open The Books.com, "The CBO budget projection on deficits and debt is bad, but it's also going to get worse."
It's going to get worse, even after the Trump tax cuts expire at the end of next year. Translation? Even with, what will be the largest tax increase in American history, we are going to be facing a historical deficit at least for the next decade.
"Washington D.C. has a spending problem" Andrzejewski told KTRH, "And the American people need a bold plan to stop Washington D.C. politicians from bankrupting the country."
Annual deficits starting at $1.6 trillion, which will be more than 5% of our GDP. That is not good.
Photo: Douglas Rissing / iStock / Getty Images