If long periods of time of over 100 degrees don't get you an ice storm might. Owning a home in Greater Houston comes with risks.
A recent report ranks Houston as the most risky U.S. city in which to own a home.
ClaimGuide.org rated the 170 most populous cities on insurance factors, including crime, natural disasters, environmental risks, public safety and access to emergency services.
The nonprofit found 98% of Houston homes are at risk for extreme heat, and 64% are at risk for flooding over the next three decades.
The report finds four fire stations for every 100,000 residents.
Houston was the only city in the Lone Star State to make the top 10.
Corpus Christi came in 15th, while San Antonio ranked at number 25.
San Bernardino and Glendale in Southern California were ranked second and third respectively.
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