After the Houston City Council, the PUC said yes! Agreeing to an interim rate increase for CenterPoint that will go into effect beginning on April 1st.
"CenterPoint has had to make some significant investments, and is entitled to recover those investments" said UH energy fellow, Ed Hirs, "And the only way they can do that is through a rate increase."
The rate increase will be for a delivery rate charge, which will go up from $2.67 a month to $3.96.
"With the state growing and the population growing, each utility is going to have to expand to serve more people" Hirs told KTRH, "And we have under invested in our utilities for the last 20-30 years."
That's means a lot of changes and improvements, all with a cost.
"Until the ERCOT market is changed drastically, we're going to be playing ERCOT weather roulette for the next 5-10 years."
The PUC still has to give final approval on the rate hike, which is expected to happen in the coming months.