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Democrats take aim at private militias with bill to ban them nationwide

Democrats continue to beat the January 6th riot drum to the point that the beat is not even in tune anymore. By being in tune, I mean being logically and academically sound. They have accused former President Donald Trump of inciting a riot, and leading an insurrection at the Capitol, charges of which have never been proven in any fashion.

They have called it such a dark day for America yet continue to ride the wave of benefits as much as they can from it. Most recently, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen came under fire for the Feds observing personal bank records to identify potential homegrown terrorists by flagging people who bought Bibles or hunting gear. They did so based on the Capitol Riots.

Now, Democrats have floated a bill into the great wilderness of Congress that would ban any private militia and paramilitary groups from operating in the United States. Attorney Sean Timmons says this is just another attack on free speech.

"This is outrageous, excessive and unnecessary...people are allowed to form clubs and groups. If they want to exercise their Second Amendment right to hold firearms....as long as they are peaceful, there is no way to criminalize this," he says. "This is unconstitutional."

The 'Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act' has been proposed by Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey and Maryland democrat congressman Jamie Raskin. It claims that in order to prevent another January 6th riot, there needs to be a ban on private militias and paramilitary groups from operating in any fashion.

In the bill, militia is defined as a 'group of three or more persons associating under a command structure for the purpose of functioning in public or training to function in public as a combat, combat support, law enforcement, or security services unit.' But it is way too broad.

"You are talking about people who may want to go out and get a tent, sleep int he woods for a week, and go hunting," he says. "Is that a militia? Is tat now somehow illegal? This is just outrageous."

While both Markey and Raskin claim this bill has no political bias, they conveniently fail to mention in their bill any of the groups who perpetrated riots in 2020. That would be groups like Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and so on.

"There were riots for months where they tried committing arson on federal buildings...they destroyed property and billions of dollars in insurance claims were filed with no action," he says.

But if you remember, those were 'peaceful protests.' Not hooligans out committing felonies because they had a free pass to do so with no consequences. Because burning down a liquor store in the name of justice is 'peaceful.'

Yet the Left has the nerve to call January 6th an Insurrection.

"If ever there was an insurrection in this country...it happened for six months, and was mostly organized by forces on the Left," says Timmons.

But do not fear. This bill likely has zero chance of ever getting a foot off the ground.

"I think this is being done for political purposes and posturing...this has no legal basis whatsoever...not under our current constitutional framework," he says.

Timmons add it is concerning how hellbent these Congressional leaders are on trying to lessen the freedoms of the First Amendment.

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