The record number of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border is an economic, humanitarian, and security threat to the U.S. But beyond that, critics are now warning it is a threat to the very idea of American citizenship. After all, when illegal aliens are given money, housing, transportation, phones, legal services, education, healthcare, etc., they essentially are being treated as de facto American citizens already. "It's the wrong thing to do, it encourages the wrong behavior, and cheapens citizenship," says Mark H. Metcalf, former U.S. immigration judge and now Kentucky State Treasurer. "Further, it only encourages more illegal immigration, which jeopardizes our borders and becomes a threat to national security."
Some critics have gone a step further, claiming the left's entire agenda is bringing about the Death of Citizenship in America. Metcalf agrees that allowing tens of millions of illegals to live in the country with most of the rights and privileges of citizens harms our culture, by eroding patriotism and pride in the country. "When you can come to America and never have to take a citizenship exam, never have to learn how exceptional our history is, you're not likely to love this place as much as someone who did it the right way," he tells KTRH.
One area still separating citizens from illegal aliens is the right to vote. But the left is coming for that, too. "New York City was already trying to allow aliens to vote in local elections," says Metcalf. "The New York Supreme Court struck that down, but believe me, we haven't seen the last of these efforts."
Metcalf recalls his days as an immigration judge, when he swore in new citizens who had worked hard to finally earn a shot at the American Dream. "That's the way I want American citizenship to be for everyone, one of the proudest, if not the proudest moment of their life," he says. "And not like most of the people coming in now, who have no greater claim to be here other than they want to live off the taxpayers of the United States."
Photo: iStockphoto