President Biden's term in office has been met with plenty of terrible decision, but none more so than his border policies. In his efforts to be accommodating to literally millions of illegal aliens flooding into the country, he has managed to alienate minorities and poor communities in America.
After running a campaign largely based on the premise that Donald Trump is an evil racist, and promising to fight for minorities, Biden has done the opposite. His decisions to keep the border open, and even create new avenues making it easier for illegals to cross into the United States, have destroyed any efforts to assist those who actually need the help.
Maria Espinoza from the Remembrance Project says Biden has, ironically, shown a distaste toward minorities, especially down at the border.
"All along the border, those small towns are heavily Hispanic...they are hit most by this invasion, and are the poorest counties in the state," she says.
Most of the Democrats efforts to keep the border surge going is based in their idea that it will widen their voter base. Hopefully, in their mind, keeping them in power almost indefinitely.
But in reality, it is chipping away at even their staunchest supporters.
"Here in Texas...more Hispanics are moving to the Republican party than ever before...leaving behind their old beliefs," she says. "The Democrat party is not for American families...they want to regulate and tax us more."
That flip to the other team has been seen even on political levels here in Texas. Just last year, Democrat Congresswoman Mayra Flores, who represents areas near Brownsville, became a Republican.
You might think 'why isn't everyone flipping to the GOP during this crisis?' Well, that is because most don't get to see the problem with their own eyes.
"Now that we are seeing the invasion, and the fact that illegals are right in their front door...they are seeing the resources given to the poor...those jobs are being taken by the illegal aliens," she says. "That is a huge impact on our resources, wages, and social benefits."
That problem then snowballs and gets worse.
"The lower wage job earners...they are having to compete for these jobs. Then, a new wave of illegals comes in and takes those jobs," Espinoza says. "This is equaling a collapse of our economy, and society."
All we heard for four years from Democrats, and minorities as well, was enraged kicking and screaming about how bad Trump was, how racist he was, and how much he hates immigrants. But now? The Trump era does not look so bad to them.
"Minorities were in a much better situation under Trump than they are under the Biden Administration...he wanted to make American better," she says.
Who knows, maybe all of this virtue signaling, and kowtowing to the millennial voter base, might just be Biden's undoing in November.
Photo: Balogh David / EyeEm / EyeEm / Getty Images