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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Senate passes House spending bill, barely avoiding shutdown



The US Senate passed the House spending bill last night, barely avoiding shutdown The vote was 88 to 9. President Biden signed it into law.

Earlier on Saturday, the US House of Representatives has passed a 45 day stopgap spending bill that would avoid a shutdown later tonight.

The vote was 335 to 91. The measure does not include any more aid for Ukraine, something conservatives had been pushing for.

"We need more time to get the job done," McCarthy told reporters ahead of the vote.

"The House is going to act so government will not shut down. We will put a clean funding stopgap on the floor to keep government open for 45 days for the House and Senate to get their work done," McCarthy also said. "We will also, knowing what had transpired through the summer, the disasters in Florida, the horrendous fire in Hawaii, and also disasters in California and Vermont, we will put the supplemental portion that the president asked for in disaster there too."

It comes after House Republicans tried and failed to pass a seperate stopgap funding bill that contained conservative policy items like border security and spending cuts.

The package now heads to the Senate.

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