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What Does The WHO Really Have Planned For Us?

It sounds like a script to a sci-fi movie. The evil totalitarian regime takes control of the world, while nobody is looking. It sounds extreme, but some say it is actually happening right now.

The WHO, (World Health Organization) began it's 'World Health Assembly' this week in Geneva, Switzerland. And according to reports, their agenda is not good, with plans for a new 'pandemic treaty' and amendments to the (IHR) International Health Regulations.

"Everything that falls under the large umbrella of health, would be ultimately decided by the World Health Organization" said Dr. Brian Joondeph, "What we eat, anything we put into our bodies, travel, even currency. Everything can be deemed a threat to health, and vaccines can be mandated."

Apparently, all the big globalists are behind it, including China and big pharma.

"This has the fingerprints of the World Economic Forum, George Soros, Bill Gates" Dr. Joondeph told KTRH, "All the shadow elites that have been pulling the strings around Covid, and economic changes, changes in food supplies, and all these things."

The goal is to give complete control of the U.S. healthcare system, to the World Health Organization.

"It's sneaky, and the purpose is rather nefarious, turning over sovereignty of the U.S. healthcare to the (WHO) " noted Dr. Joondeph, "I don't think it's for our own good, just like much of the covid rules and regulations were not for our own good. It was really an exercise in control."


Photo: Getty Images

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