If you think things are bad now in the U.S. under Joe Biden, have you thought at all about how bad things will get with another 4 more years?
"So many bad things have happened in recent years" said Charles Blain, president of Urban Reform, "Increased gas prices, overall increase in cost of living, wage stagnation, people are struggling left and right. If those don't wake us up and let us realize that there's an issue that needs to be addressed, then I don't know what will."
Whether it's the economy, the constitution, crime, or the culture, the Democrats have a different view of what America is, and what it should be. To stop it, more needs to be done than just voting.
"Voting is definitely a part of it, but I think people need to really understand that we get the government that we deserve" Blain told KTRH, "And if you're not active in the process, we're going to keep getting this. Voting is just the first step of it."
He adds, now is the time to step out, and have that tough political conversation with a family member, friend, and even a neighbor.
But everyone must vote, or else.