The "Border Czar" is finally coming back to Texas, but nowhere near the border. Vice President Kamala Harris headlines a Democrat Party campaign fundraiser in Austin this weekend, exactly one month before the midterm elections. Her visit is drawing positive responses from both parties---Democrats claim it's a sign Texas is on their party's national radar, while Republicans believe her unpopularity will only help their candidates next month. "She's one of the least popular Democrats in the state of Texas," says Steve Munisteri, former chair of the Texas GOP. "In addition, this just puts the focus on the border, which she's been put in charge of by President Biden...and she's been a dismal failure."
Indeed, the border crisis is the elephant in the room as Harris mingles with rich donors in Austin. She has been mostly MIA since President Biden put her in charge of the border last year, save for a brief trip to El Paso. "All this does is create more media attention about the fact that the 'Border Czar' has yet to be to the border," says Munisteri.
For Republicans, Harris' fundraising trip is also an acknowledgement of the strength of the Texas economy under GOP leadership. "The reason why they come to Texas is because our state is doing so well economically," says Munisteri. "So many of their donors are doing well economically, and they can afford to donate because they have their business in Texas."
With a recent poll showing President Biden with a 38% favorable rating in Texas, Republicans believe this visit by his vice president will ultimately do more harm to Dems than good. "She really is, if you look at the polling, one of the least popular people not only in the United States, but particularly here in Texas," Munisteri tells KTRH. "So I hope she campaigns for the entire Democratic ticket...I would invite her to stay the whole month."