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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Democrats Prep For Their Power Loss In November

It seems like just yesterday...actually it doesn't. The Democrats, taking control of the White House, the House, and the Senate, spoke of unity and bringing the country together. Sadly, we are now at one of the lowest points in our nation's history, and who knows what's going to happen next, if Republicans re-take the House and possibly the Senate.

"I would say that Democrats had everything in the palm of their hands and they blew it, which would give them a 'D' at best" said Jacquie Baly, University of Houston professor, "This was the time, if you have the House, the Senate, and the White House, to enact positive policies and keep us moving forward, and that's not what was done."

Instead, we have more division than ever, and more debt, thanks to the Dems trillion dollar spending sprees.

Most believe at the very least, Republicans will take control of the House of Representatives. And if they do, most also believe that nothing will likely get done over the next two years.

"The vitriol, and the anger that so many Democrats had with president Trump will not change" Baly told KTRH, "That anger and resistance to working with Republicans will not change as long as president Trump is still a leader, or at the forefront."

Expect articles of impeachment to be filed early next year, along with a potential battle over the debt ceiling.

Speaker Pelosi Holds Weekly Press Conference On Capitol Hill

Photo: Getty Images

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