Wild Birds Unlimited

My weekly horticultural tips are really not intended to be “advertising” for specific products or services. And in these Friday Profiles, I try to be very focused on introducing you to a specific place, person or product. So, although this message may seem like an advertisement for the six Wild Birds Unlimited stores in this area, I see it simply as sound advice about feeding our birds the right stuff.

Here’s what I really hope you’ll take away from this week’s profile: STOP BUYING BIRD SEED FROM BIG BOX STORES AND MASS MERCHANDISERS! It’s just not worth the money you think you’re saving. And from a GardenLine perspective, it’s the worst stuff in the world.

First, it doesn’t attract the best birds. But it does draw attention from lots of unwanted wildlife, like squirrels and rats. And a cheap bag of bird seed is simply a weed-making machine.

All birds, even sparrows, are very picky about what they eat. Seeds they don’t want - the filler grain and junk seed loaded into those cheap bags - will be kicked out of a feeder and cast aside. And before you know it, you’ve got a bumper crop of weeds.

To attract the really cool birds this spring, such as blue jays, cardinals, pine warblers, goldfinches, orioles, bluebirds, Carolina wrens and tufted titmouse, you’ve got to offer them high-quality stuff that won’t attract animals you don’t want and leave a field of weeds behind. And the most consistent place to find high-quality and focused seed is Wild Birds Unlimited.

So, here’s an incentive to try the best stuff: All WBU stores are having a major bird seed sale through Feb. 9. So, you can get the best bird seed in town at reduced prices.

While you’re there, have them show you all their nesting and feeding systems, too. In fact, if you’re interested in purple martins, WBU has some of the coolest houses for them, and they can show you all the tricks to attract these beneficial birds over the next two months.

And, by the way, all six WBU stores carry my new book, New Decade Gardening – A Gulf Coast Guide.

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