

Skip Richter, based in Houston, is a popular speaker for garden clubs, Master Gardener programs, and other gardening events across Texas. He has...Full Bio


Consan: A "Must-Have" on the Texas Gulf Coast

Years ago, when I first started these weekly tips, one of the first was about stocking some "must-have" products on garage shelves. 

Today, nearly 16 years later, my opinion of one of those products has never wavered. In Southeast Texas, you've got to have a supply of Consan Triple Action 20 on hand. 

It is a one-of-a-kind, 3-in-1 fungicide, algaecide and disinfectant that has been a staple for successful gardeners for well over 20 years. 

While the maker of this proprietary blend of alcohols has changed over the years, the formula that fights fungal diseases, bacterial diseases and algae has remained the same. Consan Triple Action 20 was first developed in Houston by Parkway Research. Today, it's manufactured by Brandt and distributed by various entities like Monterey Lawn & Garden Products. Doesn't it make sense that it was invented here? Where it works on so many issues related to the heat and humidity along the Gulf Coast? 

Nowadays, most labels — like the Monterey labels — just say "CONSAN 20" in big letters. But it's still a must-have product for all GardenLine listeners or those who follow my weekly tips. 

Here's a list of applications I personally have found for Consan. And they aren't all specific to horticultural. In fact, one of my favorites uses is for neutralizing odors.

  • Breaking down black sooty mold on any plant
  • Soil treatment for bacteria in hibiscus
  • Fungal leaf spot control on roses
  • Odor neutralizer (Especially good on sweaty workout clothes)
  • Odor killer in stinky refrigerators and freezers after power outages
  • Algae remover
  • Disinfectant for pruning tools
  • Supplemental treatment for fire blight bacterial disease (in conjunction with copper-based treatments, too)
  • Control for fairy rings in lawns
  • Wiping away slime mold in lawns
  • Dissolving wet slime mold in mulch
  • Disinfecting horticultural work tables

The list could go on for days. If you have any additional Consan uses, send me an email or call the radio show this weekend and tell the entire audience. 

I believe that every garden center has this product on their shelves, or should have it. I also know where you can get some free Consan 20 this Saturday … 

I'm at Warren's Southern Gardens 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

It's been a while since we've had a full-out GardenLine appearance at a nursery or garden center. All my appearances so far this year seem to have been at hardware and feed stores, and many of my Saturdays this spring have been committed to family activities. 

So, I'm really looking forward to our visit to Warren's Southern Gardens, 1675 Northpark in Kingwood, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday. 

This is an amazing place, with a staff and owners really well-versed in what it takes to succeed in gardening, especially for folks who live on the Northeast Side. They also carry just about every fertilizer, soil, mulch, compost, insecticide, herbicide and fungicide I recommend. And speaking of fungicide, I've got a case of Consan 20 to give away while I'm there. 

So, if you liked what you read above and need to stock up on Consan, you may very well get a free bottle just by coming by Warren's on Saturday. 

If you have never visited Warren's, this is a great opportunity. They're the Kingwood area's most experienced gardening experts. 

Here's what you'll find:

  • All the bagged soil products I suggest
  • All the fertilizers (organic and synthetic) I recommend
  • High-quality bulk soils and mulches
  • Trees and tree-planting service
  • Water feature expertise
  • Water gardening expertise
  • Outdoor structures
  • The right plants for the area
  • Full landscape services
  • Pottery and gardening accessories
  • A staff and owners with years and years of experience

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