U. S. businesses are struggling to find workers!
James Clark is the President of the Galveston Chapter of the Texas Restaurant Association and says they discuss this a lot. "They say they will have numerous applicants and they set up a time and place for the interview. Then 1 or none will actually show up for the interview! I think there are a lot of people who want to look for work --- but I don't think they're necessarily motivated to come to work!"
Clark says many are working on how to serve their customers with fewer staff. At his restaurant, Mosquito Café, he advertises that working there is a career path in to the restaurant industry and he says so far it's working well!
Small Business Owners in Texas Struggling amid Worker Shortage
The tourist season is coming to the restaurants, attractions and beach patrols in Galveston. Dennis Byrd of The Spot restaurant: "Last year we had a record-breaking 8.1 million tourists who came to Galveston. They generated an estimated more than $1.2 billion worth of economic activity!" Current troubles with American businesses not being able to find workers could be dangerous for the island. Byrd says he brings in J-1 International Students to work - and gives his permanent staff a benefit as well. "Summer is really a good opportunity for them to earn overtime. If they can get an extra 15 hours a week in overtime - they really enjoy it!
And the Galveston Island Beach Patrol lets their Junior Lifeguards step up to help once they turn 16.