The Most Humid City In Texas Might Surprise You

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Texas is known for its sweltering summers and blistering temperatures. But is it known for its humidity?

House Method compiled a list of the most humid cities in the U.S. Here's how they did it:

"We gathered comprehensive data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on the humidity of each city in the U.S. We then compiled this information to find the average annual humidity. We could rank each city from there, finding the most humid to the least humid."

The No. 1 most humid city in the country is Lake Charles, Louisiana, with an average annual relative humidity of 90%.

Brownsville comes in at No. 4 — the top city in Texas — with an average annual relative humidity of 90%. Port Arthur and Victoria are up next at spots 5 and 6, respectively. "While Lake Charles, Jackson, and Meridian were not a big surprise, Port Arthur and Brownsville were more unexpected. Most people picture large pastures and arid deserts when they envision Texas. However, Texas is still a coastal state in the Gulf of Mexico with plenty of port cities," House Method said in its findings.

On the other end of the spectrum, one Texas spot is among the 15 cities that are the least humid. El Paso has an average annual relative humidity of 50%.

Here's a look at the most humid cities in Texas:

  1. Brownsville (90%)
  2. Port Arthur (90%)
  3. Victoria (90%)
  4. Corpus Christi (89%)
  5. Houston (89%)

Check out the full report.

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