Even though April 15th was 2 months ago, due to Covid last year and our February Freeze this year...the deadline for Texas taxpayers is today (June 14, 2021).. Doug Horde of My Tax Guy in Houston explains why professionals are doing a lot of preparing in the last weeks. "I know that in my own practice we're pretty far behind because of the delayed start plus the 'running changes' - that we just didn't get any explanations on - until those new procedures were put into place."
Horde says there will always be procrastinators - especially when it comes to your taxes - but with recent changes in procedures this year will see more last-minute and late-filed returns than he has before. "There seems to be a fairly heavy flow of people who are TRYING to get theirs done before the deadline --- but we have sent out 150 or so Extensions in the last couple of days! Horde says he's seeing not only more returns filed just under the wire --- but he's processing an overload of extensions - including one for himself!
And if you have difficulty filing your extension online, print it out and get it in the mail a.s.a.p.
Today is Tax Deadline Day