Ellington Field future home of Houston Spaceport Project

Houston Airport System is breaking ground for Phase 1 of the Houston Spaceport project at $18.8 million.

The airport's Bill Begley said this is all the infrastructure to house companies that will move in to the 154 acres.

"We're putting in streets, we're putting in water, obviously, drainage, but we're also putting in communications and fiber optics facilities so that when these high-tech companies come here, they have that infrastructure in place," said Begley.

He said this is infrastructure for technology companies that will move out there, as well as San Jacinto College.

"They are putting together what they are calling "The Edge". It's a learning center to bring in the best and the brightest and offer up a chance for them to learn about the technology that will help push things like commercial space operations, commercial space flight," said Begley.

He said eventually, well-paying technology based and research-development jobs will be opening up at the airport.

Begley added four years ago, the FAA granted the airport a commercial space license. They are capable of flight operations, but aren't doing them, yet.

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