More mates and dates found online in the future

There used to be a stigma about meeting people through an online service but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.

Experts say that 70 percent of couples in the developed world will initially meet online by 2040. That’s up from 24 percent today.

Relationship counselor and author Donna Arp Weitzman said within the last 10 years, online dating has become so popular, it's really expected.

“Fifteen years ago, even 10 years ago, if people were going online to find someone to date, it was very hidden, clandestine, people never talked about it. Often they would use a different name,” said Arp Weitzman.

She said it used to be either meet someone in real life or online.

“Now, when people are, even in person, looking for someone, they often augment that search with online dating and online searches,” said Arp Weitzman.

She said there's a lot more dating sites now, like 2,500, some catering to specific interest groups like religious beliefs or even farmers.

Arp Weitzman added the success rate of marrying someone you meet online is only about 10 percent, but that keeps growing. It was less than four percent a few years ago.

Of course, be aware of online fraud. About 10 percent of those folks aren't who they say they are and 45 percent exaggerate in some way.

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