No Sweat: Fewer Teenagers Working Summer Jobs

Summer jobs were once a rite of passage -- but employment trends show the number of teenagers working summer gigs falling off every year.

Last summer, just 43 percent of U.S. teenagers were working or looking for a job. That was far below the 68 percent who worked summer jobs two decades ago.

Experts says Generation Z -- the generation born since 1995 -- has a different attitude. Observers like workplace culture expert Ron Newton suggest that Gen Z’ers have other priorities because of technology, spending up to three hours’ worth of screen time a day with their devices.

But Newton tells NewsRadio 740 KTRH that says parents can encourage a better by talking less negatively about their own jobs and by building a positive association about the value of work.

It's not just a matter of teen laziness, however.  Analysts concede that older workers and immigrants increasingly crowd out teens for part-time seasonal jobs.

Teen summer workers generally hold hourly, part-time jobs.

Here are the most common teen jobs, according to research conducted by the Center for Labor Markets and Policy at Drexel University:

1. Cashiers

2. Waiters

3. Salespersons

4. Cooks

5. Laborers

6. Customer Service Reps

7. Miscellaneous Food Preps

8. Food Preps

9. Stock Clerks 

10. Childcare 

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